One of our areas of focus is the creation of standards for new applications and technologies. While there are already numerous specifications in place, many of them are based on years of experience and have been continuously adjusted. For new technologies or generations of components, these specifications are not always optimal and often need to be extensively revised or even completely redefined.

Our advantage, numerous analyses of related components in DE, MX, CN or the USA, provide us with immense input that helps us and our customers to combine the feasible with the necessary. The combination of the necessity to comply with established limits and the feasibility according to the current state of the art makes this topic so challenging. Through preliminary risk assessments, conducted extractions and analyses, and the experience of our four laboratories worldwide, we can provide valuable insights that ultimately find their way into new standards.
It is crucial that the specifications and standards for new requirements are always kept up to date. This is the only way to ensure that the specified limit values can be adhered to and functional impairments are minimised. Such projects are lengthy and often span several months, but the effort is worthwhile. In the end, this leads to improved technical cleanliness and a deeper understanding of manufacturing processes and components. Every aspect is carefully examined to ensure that no question remains unanswered.
If you would like to learn more about our approach, please get in touch with us. We are happy to listen to you and share our expertise in this field during a phone call or Teams meeting.